

We’re a membership organization of individuals with shared values. This means our leaders and governing body work in the best interest of our membership – not third-party shareholders.

Serenia Life Financial’s Board of Directors

As Serenia Life Financial’s governing body, the board of directors oversees all matters involving Serenia Life and focuses on serving the interests of our members, now and into the future. For more information, view the detailed Bylaws & Letters Patent.

Board Responsibility

Serenia Life Financial’s Board is the representative legislative and governing body of the organization. The Board performs an overall oversight and monitoring role, while the role of operational leadership is delegated to the President and Chief Executive Officer and supporting management. The Board’s responsibilities are to:

  • Design the Board structure and processes.
  • Govern the missional and strategic planning process.
  • Select and manage the CEO, including performance evaluation.
  • Delegate management authority and responsibility to the CEO.
  • Monitor compliance and measure results.

The Board provides challenge, advice, and guidance to senior management, as appropriate on:

  • Significant operational, business, risk, and crisis management matters, including policies and their effectiveness.
  • Business performance and the effectiveness of risk management.

The Board is accountable to the members of Serenia Life Financial for effectively governing the organization, including making sure that Serenia Life is appropriately stewarding the resources entrusted to it. The election of Directors to the Board is the primary means of accountability. (Become a voting member.)


Director Appointment & Election Procedures

The Board consists of individuals who possess skill and experience prerequisites that are based on the strategic needs of Serenia Life Financial and federal regulatory requirements. Preference is given to candidates who have previously served on a governance board, have a background in financial services and bring the needed skills, knowledge and experience. Individuals also need to demonstrate a commitment to a Christian fraternal organization, good communication skills, prudent judgment, self-awareness, integrity, accountability and objectivity.

The Board seeks candidates from Legacy and Voting Members, as well as from other sources. We encourage such Members to submit applications at any time. We are also encouraging Members to submit director proposals using the Board of Directors’ Application Form.

Candidates will undergo a rigorous selection process to ensure that they meet the Board’s requirements. Serenia Life Financial typically receives many applications for each Board vacancy. Based on the current and future needs of the Board, it is possible that there may be multiple qualified candidates for any given Board vacancy, in which case certain qualified candidates may not be nominated for election to the Board.

If incumbent Board Directors are approved by the Board to fill all vacancies, no election will be held.

If there are additional vacancies, the Board will nominate the most qualified candidates for election by Members. This will be a confirmation election, where Members will be asked to vote ”yes” or ”no” for each candidate. A simple majority of ”yes” over ”no” votes will elect a candidate.

Learn more about the process
Become a voting member
Meet our current Board Directors


Board of Directors’ Application Form