
It’s RRSP Season! Are You Taking Advantage in 2025?

This RRSP season, consider a last-minute contribution to get the most out of your tax return.


If you didn’t get the chance to set up a monthly RRSP contribution in 2024, not to worry! Take advantage of RRSP season by investing a lump sum of money before the deadline (March 3, 2025). A last-minute RRSP contribution can prove quite valuable when tax time rolls around, and it’s a great way to save for your future. (RRSP has the word ”retirement” in its name for a reason.)

Take advantage of RRSP season to get most out of your tax return

If you know you’re going to owe money on your income tax return, an early 2025 RRSP contribution can help reduce the amount you’ll have to hand over this year. And if you typically get money back, contributing to your RRSPs at some point during the tax year can mean getting more back than anticipated. Just make sure to make a final deposit before the March 3rd deadline.

While a one-time bulk contribution during the 2025 RRSP season may not be a practical option for everyone, it can be a great way to invest that extra money you received over the holidays. If smaller contributions over a longer period of time work better with your budget, why not set up monthly contributions (via direct deposit) for the 2024 tax season? You’ll thank yourself later.

What about TFSAs?

A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is not tax-deductible (i.e., it won’t affect money owed or received when filing your personal income taxes). Not to mention, you will never be taxed on interest earned like you would with an RRSP. So if you find yourself in a position where you’ve already maximized your 2024 RRSP contributions, a TFSA is a good way to save additional money and enjoy the benefits of tax-free growth and withdrawals.

Just remember that a TFSA is not specifically designed as a retirement savings account, but can still nicely complement an RRSP.

RRSP vs TFSA: What’s the difference?

To make it simple, we’ve created a Tax Planning Summary that highlights a few important differences between these two savings options.

Age (Eligibility)None*18
Annual Contribution limit18% of previous year’s earned income, (maximum limits apply), less pension adjustments$7,000 PLUS amounts withdrawn in previous years
ContributionsTax-deductibleNot tax-deductible
Unused contribution roomCarried forwardCarried forward (since 2009)
WithdrawalsTaxable: affects federal income-tested government benefits such as Old Age Security

Contribution room is lost for amounts you withdraw
Tax-free: does not affect federal income-tested government benefits such as Old Age Security

Added to contribution room in future years
Primary purposeRetirement savingsSaving for any purpose
Plan maturityEnd of year when you turn 71None; no maximum age limit on contributions
Spousal planYou can contribute directly to a spousal RRSPYou can give your spouse money to contribute to their TFSA

*An individual must have employment or business income to earn contribution room; some financial institutions may require the individual to be at the age of majority

If you’re still wondering which of these two very common savings tools is best for your unique situation, speak with the experts. Book a no-obligation call with an advisor at Serenia Life to review your budget, financial goals, and more.

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A different way to invest this RRSP season

Want to reap the benefits of some last-minute RRSP contributions and boost your savings while you’re at it? Consider investing in a Guaranteed Interest Annuity (GIA) – it’s like a GIC with a twist!

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