
Report a Complaint

Serenia Life Financial is committed to providing the best possible service to our members and policyowners. Our staff and advisors are available to answer any questions or handle your requests for information about financial products or services.

Step 1 – Contact your Advisor

Contact your advisor if you believe your request for service or information, or if a specific transaction was not handled correctly. Make sure to provide them with details related to why you are unhappy with a product or service. If you do not have an advisor assigned to you, please contact a Member Services Associate.

Serenia Life Financial
300-470 Weber Street North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J2
Telephone: 519-886-4617 Ext. 444
Toll-Free: 1-800-563-6237
Fax: 519-886-0350

Step 2 – Contact Member Services

If you have reached out to us via Step 1, but are not satisfied with the proposed resolution or feel your concern has not been resolved, please contact our Member Services team:

Serenia Life Financial
300-470 Weber Street North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J2
Telephone: 519-886-4617 Ext. 444
Toll-Free: 1-800-563-6237
Fax: 519-886-0350

We commit to providing you with a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 business days. The acknowledgement will include the anticipated time frame (always within 30 business days of the date of complaint receipt) for response completion. This time frame could be extended if the details of the complaint are incomplete. In that case, Serenia Life Financial may request additional information to ensure the satisfactory handling of the complaint, and if necessary, the complaint resolution period may be extended beyond 30 days.

When filing a complaint, it is important that you provide as much information as possible about your concern. We will need the name of both the policy owner and life insured (if they are different), policy number, name of the advisor, date the issue occurred, and the specifics of your concern.

Step 3 – Escalate It to Our Ombudsperson

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction via Steps 1 and 2, you may escalate it to Serenia Life Financial’s Ombudsperson.

Serenia Life Financial
300-470 Weber Street North
Waterloo ON N2L 6J2
Fax: 519-886-0350

The Ombudsperson will ask you for details about your complaint and why you remain unsatisfied, and the names of the people you have talked with about your complaint.

The Ombudsperson will ask the appropriate business area to investigate and provide a report on its findings. In all cases, the Ombudsperson will review the findings and advise you of Serenia Life Financial’s final position.

A response will be provided in writing to you within 30 business days of the date of receipt of the escalated complaint. If a response to the complaint cannot be provided within this period, the Ombudsperson will inform you in writing.

Saskatchewan residents may also choose to contact their province’s Superintendent of Insurance:

Superintendent of Insurance
Insurance and Real Estate Division
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority
Suite 601, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4H2
Phone: (306) 787-6700
Fax: (306) 787-9006

Step 4 – Try an Independent Third-Party Resolution

If you are not satisfied with Serenia Life Financial’s final position, you may choose to have the matter arbitrated by the OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI). The OLHI is an independent dispute resolution service that deals with concerns about life and health insurance products and services that have not been resolved through an insurance organization’s internal dispute-resolution processes

OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI)

Toronto Office:
401 Bay Street, Suite 1507
P.O. Box 7
Toronto ON M5H 2Y4
Telephone: 416-777-9002
Toll Free: 1-888-295-8112
Fax: 416-777-9750

Montreal Office:
2001 University Street, 17th Floor
Montreal QC H3A 2A6
Telephone: 514-282-2088
Toll Free: 1-866-582-2088 (within Quebec)
Fax: 514-285-4076

Alternately, you can choose to contact your provincial regulator.
Quebec residents may contact the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) at any time. You can ask Serenia Life Financial to transfer a copy of your complaint file to the AMF. You can find information about the AMF on its website at

Autorité des marchés financiers
Direction des plaintes et de l’indemnisation
800, rue du Square-Victoria, 22 étage
C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse
Montreal (Quebec) H4Z 1G3

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